martes, 30 de abril de 2019

My favorite piece of technology.

My favorite piece of technology is my cellphone. My first cellphone I got it when I was about 10 years old, I got it because was a gift of my parents, but in that time I just use it for played games and call my mom. Right now I use it for many things, like to the university, for read the books, communicate with my teachers, doing evaluations online, read news, etc.

I use my cellphone for other things not that important, like socializing, listen to music, watch series, movies, videos, etc. Something that I do frequently is buy things online, I watch something that I need and I like it, and then I speak with the person and we get together in the subway or something like that, however, this practice had brought me bad experiences, like I was many time waiting and the person didn’t come, or things like that. Something that I do to this day is playing games and that takes me much time.

I really like this piece of technology, is very versatile and we can use for many things, makes my (and I suppose yours too) life more easy, if I don’t have it I spend much times in things that I can do very quickly in my cellphone.

7 comentarios:

  1. I also like reading books, although my eyes suffer a lot.

  2. Wow! my first cellphone me to when I was 10 years, cool!

  3. The best cellphone game is Candy Crush.

  4. True that, there's so many things you can do with it and you can use it anywhere! Hope you don't go through bad experiences like those again. Peace!

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. No, friend. Watch series is very important!! :)

  7. I also had my first cellphone at 10 years old


A good day.

This picture was caught in my first day of my last year of the school (2018); I remember that day was so good with my friends, that day...