martes, 4 de junio de 2019

A good day.

This picture was caught in my first day of my last year of the school (2018); I remember that day was so good with my friends, that day we started the classes, and we talked so much, about all the things that we do in the vacations of summer and all the expectations that we had for that year, and the general objective was reach enter to the university.
All the school life the people says that 4th year was the most important, because we had did the PSU, but in that moment we really don’t care, just we joked about the scores or what we would study; but nowadays I’m very glad that the expectations are fulfill, for me and my friends, I was not expecting that results, the half of my friends that appear in this picture currently are studying at the Universidad de Chile. I really miss the school and the persons that I met there; everything was a little easier, I laughed and slept so much.

martes, 28 de mayo de 2019

My pets

In my life i have had a lot of pets, but ever the same type: dogs, cats and hamsters. But my dream is have a hedgehog ground. Nowadays i have two dogs, they are my big company, the oldest calls León, he has six years old, he is so peaceful, affectionate and lazy. And the other dog, called Simón, he has three years, he is very different from León, he is playful, he is always moving, running, jumping, etc. Simón it’s very overprotective, i think the reason is because after one month that he was born, the person gave it to us, too young to be adopted, and we treat it like a real baby. My dogs give me a lot of happiness, they are so funny, i really love them.

But my most important pet, was a cat, she was called Mily, she was six years old when she died, she was so sweet with me, every day she waited for me in the door when i came back after the school and all nights she slept with me in my head. An anecdote was that one day, my family and me don’t knew that Mily was pregnant, and in the middle of the night she started calved a little cats in my head!!, i woke up so scared, but instantly i called my family and they came to help Mily. 

martes, 30 de abril de 2019

My favorite piece of technology.

My favorite piece of technology is my cellphone. My first cellphone I got it when I was about 10 years old, I got it because was a gift of my parents, but in that time I just use it for played games and call my mom. Right now I use it for many things, like to the university, for read the books, communicate with my teachers, doing evaluations online, read news, etc.

I use my cellphone for other things not that important, like socializing, listen to music, watch series, movies, videos, etc. Something that I do frequently is buy things online, I watch something that I need and I like it, and then I speak with the person and we get together in the subway or something like that, however, this practice had brought me bad experiences, like I was many time waiting and the person didn’t come, or things like that. Something that I do to this day is playing games and that takes me much time.

I really like this piece of technology, is very versatile and we can use for many things, makes my (and I suppose yours too) life more easy, if I don’t have it I spend much times in things that I can do very quickly in my cellphone.

martes, 23 de abril de 2019

Why i did choose political science?

When i was a child i have a lot of options in my mind to choose, one of my favorites (I don’t know why) dream jobs was be a lawyer, other was be a teacher, but whit the time I discovered that those major wasn’t for me.
When I became an adolescent I kept thinking in law, but psychology was what I really liked, but the same history, I began to look the subjects and I don’t liked.
Studying political sciences arise from my interest to social movements, my calling at the public area, to make a change in the political class, not be right there, but advising her, because all days we look their mistakes. In the same way study and watch the power relationships it’s something very interesting and I really liked to be a contribution to this topic. Maybe I liked to job in a consultancies, but it’s something that I haven’t thinking, I hope with the time decide.
My experience at the university, until now, was very great, my teachers are so great and the same to my classmates.

martes, 9 de abril de 2019

My auto biography.

My full name is Rocío Carolina Geiger Fuentes, I was born in Santiago at 24th april of 2001, and I am 17 years old. Almost all my life I lived in the city that I was born, but in the year of 2008 I moved to Calama, in that city I lived for two years, and then I moved again to Santiago. I have one older sister and two nephews, and I really love them.
I studied in different schools at my primary, but my secundary I studied at Liceo Carmela Carvajal, a  school that taught me a lot in all areas of life, very committed to the national contingency and never let an injustice happen. Nowadays I am a student of political science at Universidad de Chile.

One of my hobbies is watch series, my favorite is Grey’s Antomy, I liked for his plot, which combines love, problems, deaths, happiness, sadness, etc.

My favorite music is reggaeton and trap, the singers that I most hear are Cease, Pablo Chill-E, Rosalía, Drefquila, etc, but the singer that I most admire is Francisca Valenzuela, an pop artist, I really like what he transmits in her music.

A good day.

This picture was caught in my first day of my last year of the school (2018); I remember that day was so good with my friends, that day...